Land of Oz Hire Service

Australia Phone : 02-9896-1396             Mobile :0425-23-7938             International Phone : 61 2 9896 1396

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Click to Power Rangers GUY's page with video clip of costumes Click to Power Rangers GIRL's page with video clip of costumes

Land of Oz 'Power Rangers' are made from 2-way stretch lycra, the colours are bright and clear.
The ladies suits are bodysuits, the men's suits are two piece (Ie: Pants and Shirt)

The belt, glove-cuffs and boot-tops are white vinyl with the matching lycra colour in the diamonds.
The gloves detach from the cuffs so you can eat etc without having to worry about the gloves.

The helmets are soft and comfortable, you can see through the visor but the vision is a little hazy.
Each helmet matches the design of the correct colour/animal for the "Mighty Morphin" original version.

Real lycra fabric. Best quality.


Red - Men's Small (or Med)
Blue - Men's Trim
(or X-Lge)
Red - Men's Medium (or small) IN FOR REPAIRS
Black - Men's Average
(or Small coming soon))
Green - Men's Large
Blue - Men's X-Lge
(or Trim)

shirt, trousers, belt,
boot-tops, gloves, helmet
(note : helmet is soft)

Go to Space List

Jason - Red Power Ranger

Yellow Power ranger - Sabre Tooth Tiger ZordPink Power ranger - Pterodactyl Zord

Pink - Ladies 8 and 14(Kimberley)

Red, Blue, Purple - Ladies Size 10

Yellow - Ladies 12 and 15 (Trini)

Bodysuit, belt, boot-tops, gloves, helmet
(note : helmet is soft)

Purple Power ranger - Mermaid Zord


Land of Oz Hire Service
Address : 401 Blacktown Rd, Prospect,  2148


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